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Holy Ghost Fire Petition for Salvation of The Nations.
This is the time to petition The LORD in His Courts of Justice to make a Petition of Requisition for a dispensation of His Precious Blood from The Ever-flowing Fountain of His Blood to be sent and carried forth by the warships Of His Angelic Hosts. This is the Warfare of His Blood stored up to defeat the wicked devices and of the Princes of Evil on the earth and empty their storehouses of Satanic Weapons of Death and Destruction of the Mankind and His Creation on earth.
Take up your mantle and make these petitions in the court of Appeal, The Court of Accusation and The Court of Requisition for your National Territory, Regions, Cities and all inhabited islands.
As in a Vision received by Annie Schisler a revelation of the Supernatural Power and Warfare of His Blood is disclosed:
“When He took me into His world, He told me that there are false gods --- not idols, but false gods--- then He showed me one god that men had raised up that was very ugly, repugnant and very, very strong. It was like a dominating force or power that was served and worshipped in the hearts of men as though it were God. This false but powerful god-force operated in great strength and in perfect control factor by withdrawing it from him. Then this god of force began to seek and desperately try to find that control that he had lost; yet in spite of all his seeking he could not find it at all. In the strenuous and desperate seeking for the lost control this false god began to consume itself more and more until it was completely destroyed.” Page 136-137 “False Gods” (Annie Schisler’s) Visions of The Eternal Editor Dr. R. E. Miller.
“The Coming Explosion & Storm” Page 114-15
“In prayer I was taken unto Him…. and in that place I saw something that was difficult to define and deceitful in character that would ensnare and entrap. It was very large and dangerous, and would come forth with tremendous force and the suddenness of an atomic bomb; yet it wasn’t an atomic bomb, though similar in size and explosiveness, this was imminent and definitely connected with the things that were about to take place on earth. After this when I contemplated the great storm that would shortly break, I became greatly perturbed. He explained that this storm would be like a great flood of blood breaking forth and flooding the earth. This terrible flood which was about to break forth and flow would bring death very close to me. It was as if the flood of death itself with all its fury intensity and hatred would come close; but it would not be able to touch his own ones; He who commands “the winds and waves” and says, “Thus far and no further,” is able to control this deluge of blood completely; and even though it may draw very near my feet, I know that it will not be able to touch me.”
“The Place of Limitless Limitations.” Page 115.
“In...after a while I was caught up in The Spirit and taken unto Him and He showed me a place most unusual and utterly without limitations of any other kind. And He had purposed that this place be without limitations, nevertheless, none of them belonged there and though they were not of God they were still there. And though they were not of God and they limited Him, He had allowed them to remain.
He showed me that these multitudes of limitations were being produced by a multitude of hands working and bringing forth many operations, however, these hands, were not God's hands nor were they doing the work of His hands. He showed me an operation of HIS BLOOD within Himself which was a very strange thing for His Blood was like a great cutting instrument severing something within Himself. This great body of blood was not in a vessel of any kind, nor did it appear like the blood we see on earth for it was unlike flowing liquid. Nevertheless, it was blood for He told me that it was. He also said that this blood, violent and filled with inner activity, was sharp and cutting and He was about to sever something in Himself which was undesirable to Him. This thing that He desired to separate from Himself would be cut off forever by this operation of His Blood.”
The LORD led me to these visions today to say that this is happening in this Kairos Moment and that it is essential for the People of God to rise up and be counted and retain their citizenship and registration in heaven. That they must come out from the false church and begin to let go of their former sinful ways. To come out of the places of cursing and abomination in the hidden places in their hearts. “For the Kingdom of God is within you” sayeth The LORD. If anything else be within you that grieves His Holy Spirit then how can you say you are not in the enemy camp?
“Therefore, do not be weary in well-doing for in due time you will reap a harvest of righteousness and peace” if you do not faint but willingly submit to the “Refining Fires” of The LORD’s chastening and scourging so that you may be approved as Christ’s workmanship and be presented unto him without wrinkle, stain or blemish.
“But what of that?) For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us
and conferred upon us! For even the whole of creation groans and longs for God’s sons to be made manifest and known.” ~Romans 8:18-19
April 12th, 2020 Word of Revelation ~ Mary K. Dullforce.
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