Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Timothy - The Redeemer

1 comment:

  1. Just Like Timothy we all are waiting to be shown the door where we are called to take our stand in God's church on earth as we are in heaven.

    Now is the time to ARISE and STAND and HEAR AND DO all to complete our mandate on earth
    as it is written in our Book of Life in Heaven.

    "I will return and I will build My Body of My True Church and The Gates of Hell shall NOT prevail against it." ~ NIV BIBLE VERSE

    And also,

    "BEHOLD, I am coming soon, and I shall bring My wages and rewards with Me, to repay and render to each one just what his own actions and his own work merit. I am The Alpha and The Omega, The First and The Last (The Before All and The End of All). Blessed are those who cleanse their garments that they may have the authority and right to approach the tree of life and to enter through the gates into the Holy City of My Presence."

    "And the Blessing of The Lord Jesus Christ be with all the Saints (His Set Apart Ones) Amen." ~ Revelations 22: 12-14;21

    The Lord Jesus spoke these words and they are to remind you that He that is in us, is greater than he (Satan) who is in the earth."

    For it is written.....----"Now it has come----the Salvation and The Power and The Kingdom and Reign of Our God The Father and His Son Jesus Christ The Messiah (in all dominion and authority and sovereignty) of The Messiah His Christ; for the accuser of our brethren, he who keeps bringing before our God charges against them day and night, has been cast out!" AND..."They (WE) SHALL OVERCOME (Conquer him Satan) by means of PLEADING THE COVENANT OF THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB and By THE UTTERANCE OF OUR TESTIMONY, for they (WE) did not hold our lives cheap till they did die for our witnessing." ~ Revelation 12:11-12
